Friday, April 30, 2010

Day One.....

So, here i am. I've been thinking about starting a blog for some time now. But I was on the fence. Who would read it? Who cares? Ya know? Then I thought about all the blogs I've been lurking on for the past couple of years and realize I can't control the outcome, who knows, I may end up providing someone out there some useful information.... So here we go.

I'm 30 years old. Married to a wonderful man whom I call "The Man". And we have two little bean sprouts who entertain me every day. Smart little buggers.

I love to cook, practice yoga, read motivational stuff, finance books and Esquire mag.

Who knows where this will go, but I'm ready to start the adventure....

Enjoy and comment if you'd like.


  1. OK Smartywife

    I saw your granola recipe on The Kel Show. So now you've got commenting and a following so you have to keep blogging.

  2. thanks for taking the time to read my post and leave your thoughts -- best of luck in blogging! I don't even have one child, much less two, and I still find it so hard to blog regularly, much less do the sort of outreach it takes to "gain a following", but you know what, just existing and having a space to think and share has been so amazing and rewarding for me. And then suddenly people out of the blue let me know that they are on the same page as me, and it makes me feel so grateful, and part of this community I didn't know existed. So, that's my way of saying, just do it if you are inclined, no matter how random or inconsistent it may be, and I'm pretty darn sure you will be glad you took the time. Best, Emily.
